Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Yarm Parking Tax consultation to commence tomorrow

I have this evening been informed (not by Stockton Council, but by the Northern Echo!) that the statutory consultation for the introduction of the council's parking tax is to commence tomorrow, Thursday 27th June 2013.
Stockton Council leader, Labour's Bob Cook, milking Yarm the cash cow.
As a road traffic order (RTO) is required before the council can implement its parking tax, the council is required by law to consult on the proposals for a period of 21 days. The consultation is not to do with the principle of introducing parking charges - the last one, in 2009, demonstrated widespread opposition to the plans so the council has refused to ask residents their opinion since - but merely the specific details of implementation.

I am also led to believe that plans to impose hundreds of metres of new double yellow lines throughout the town centre have been reincarnated and will form a part of the consultation. Whilst some additional parking restrictions are necessary and to be welcomed, we will have to wait and see how sensible and proportionate the current proposals are.

Whilst I have not yet been able to double check the details with council officers, it is understood that we have been successful in ensuring a minimum of 30 minutes free parking on the High Street.  The charging structure beyond this is believed to be £1 for the next two hours, and £1 for each hour thereafter.

If I was feeling generous, I suppose it is worth paying credit to the council for at least not holding the consultation entirely within the school holidays, but I am not feeling generous. Such a small concession is akin to the executioner allowing you a final cigarette.

I will keep residents informed of further details as and when I receive them. Hopefully we won't have to rely on the Northern Echo for further information moving forward, but I won't be holding.