Thursday 11 July 2013

Leven Park play area - some good news!

I am pleased to confirm that progress on the play area is proceeding not just well, but better than was initially anticipated.

As many residents will already have seen, the vast majority of the work has already been completed. Even given the inclement weather when construction first started, work has progressed on schedule and is now largely completed.  In addition, and as a consequence of negotiations conducted by Councillor Sherris, we have been able to secure a extension to the new footpath over and above what was initially planned, and at no additional expense to the town.

Whilst the construction work was always planned to be completed within the next few weeks, it was initially believed that it would take up to 2-3 months for the groundworks to 'bed-in' before the play area could be used. I am therefore delighted to say that, subject to the necessary assessment by and approval from ROSPA, it now appears that there is a good chance that the play area will be ready for use in the coming weeks (ie during the school holidays).

We expect to receive a further update tomorrow and will update residents accordingly.

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